
Compatible with over 100 major brands like Cisco, HP, Juniper, Arista, Dell and many others.
With our compatibility guarantee you can be sure we only sell products that meet or exceed the vendor specification with compliance to all MSA standards and protocols. Each product is uniquely serialized, and we proudly offer a lifetime warranty on all our products.

Fiber Patch Cables
We offer a comprehensive range of high quality, competitively priced fiber cabling to suit all speeds, distances and connections. Our core range consists of Fiber Patch Leads, Fiber Trunk & Fiber Breakout Cables. Every individually bagged cable is accompanied by a full test report and supported with a lifetime warranty.

Copper Patch Cables
Using proper cables results in a stable and reliable connection: for your private network at home or for office and multimedia applications alike.

Media Converters
Media converters are essential for connecting networks with different transmission media and for extensive coverage. This forms the basis for a stable and a fast network.

Memory Modules
At Funwaver, we specialize in providing a truly comprehensive range of memory solutions for our global clients. Although we specialize in Cisco®, HP® & Dell® compatible and original upgrades, our robust supply chain allows us to source memory solutions for all server & router manufacturers with a speedy turnaround time.